Resource Center | Used Bikes | Education | DIY Repair | Classes

Please visit the Stolen Bike Gallery, a collaborative effort with Bike Calgary.

The Good Life deals with a lot of used bikes. We only accept bikes as donations, which means that we will never pay anyone, without exception, for a bike or bike parts given to the shop. We also do not allow people to trade in their bikes. Additionally, we discourage flipping bikes. We hope that these measures help to decrease the numbers of stolen bikes that make their way to The Good Life.

However, it is possible that people can bring stolen bikes into the shop to work on them or strip them down. We try our best to avoid such activity and keep an eye out by making sure that all shop users sign in, and by limiting the time that people are allowed to spend working on bikes every week.

If there is anything else you think we can do within our limitations to help stop theft, please let us know by getting in contact with us.